Wednesday, March 16, 2011

KPOP Fanbases admin hiring session

Hola Kpop-ers out there. Our superfamily fanbase account has grow up now. So we need more people to be the admins. The requirement are:

1) Able to online always
2) friendly with others

If you interested, please do tweet me @Amy_Kissme . I'll be glad to assist you guys. Below are the list of the superfanbases account. those highlighted in RED are available :)

1) @SuperKISSMEfans 

This account is for all UKISS fans out there. The admins are :

Leader: @Amy_Kissme

This fanbase account is for TEEN TOP fans! It still available!

Currently the admins are :
Leader @EddY_Kissme


Those who wanna fly to the infinite...Do join this fanbase account!!! Current admins are

Leader @MiQie_0409


This fanbase is dedicated to DALMATION fans out there.

Admins are :

Leader @EddY_KISSME


And yess this is for B2UTIES out there!!!! Current admins are:

Leader @Amy_Kissme

We are planning to expand the @SuperKISSMEfans account since that account is the most demanding right now. To all the admins out there..hwaiting! Let's spread the KPOP to outside of the world hahaha~~(wat am i mumbling about).

We need 5 admins for each of "in future" fanbase account for below:


Last but not least, thank you for those admins who try their best to pread this super family wings!!! lets continue gaining more followers!!!